News archiveLIFE4HeatRecovery presented at SES 2021 Conference08.10.2021 - Marco Cozzini from Eurac Research presented at the 7th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems that was held virtually on 20-21 September 2021... LIFE4HeatRecovery Project Update09.09.2021 - In July the submitted amendment of the Project was approved by the European Commission. There are some important news that we would like to share with you... ONE VISION 2020-24 - Alperia’s new Strategic Plan26.03.2021 - The Management and Supervisory Board of Alperia S.p.A. have approved One Vision 2020-24, the Alperia Strategic Plan that embodies the visions of the Management, the Boards and shareholders and that will usher the Group to 2024, combining sustainability objectives with a significant growth of all the Business Units... Three ways to cut Europe’s heating bill25.01.2021 - Euractiv website published an article written by Marco Baresi of Turboden. Waste heat recovery and heat pumps are two of the three pillars that the author identifies as an effective way to reduce consumptions and energy costs; the third one is cogeneration. In spite of the differences compared to the specific solutions adopted in LIFE4HeatRecovery, the general view expressed by this article is well aligned... LIFE4HeatRecovery's network 4: ReUseHeat Project22.12.2020 - The ReUseHeat project will showcase replicable models enabling the recovery and reuse of excess heat available at urban level, with the aim to increase energy efficiency of district heating and cooling systems in cities across Europe. There is enough waste energy produced in the EU to heat the EU’s entire building stock... Energy communities: excellent results in South Tyrol30.11.2020 - The energy provider Alperia (partner of LIFE4HeatRecovery) and Regalgrid Europe, a leading company in the digital energy sector, had created two years ago one of the first Italian Energy Communities, a reality in which energy produced locally from renewable sources is shared... LIFE4HeatRecovery's network 3: HeatNet NWE Project16.11.2020 - HeatNet NWE is a European project promoting the roll-out of 4th Generation District Heating and Cooling (4DHC) across North-West Europe through 6 pilot networks and guidance to help local authorities and other public sector organisations begin implementing their own networks... Join the Sustainable Places 2020 Conference - 27-30 October 2020 (digital event)28.09.2020 - Join the Conference to discuss 2020 themes on Circular Economy, Digital Twins, BIPV, Local Energy Communities, Sustainable Digital Infrastructure, and as always all sustainability topics are welcome. Sustainability targets and climate change objectives cannot be met without addressing... Greening our cities with district energy! Online conference 15 September 202021.07.2020 - Decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector is a major challenge to reach carbon neutrality in a near future. One solution is to provide renewable and low carbon heat thanks to district energy. Today’s most advanced 4th and 5th generation district heating and cooling systems run at low temperature, allowing less... How can waste heat recovery help decarbonise cities?29.05.2020 - The EU produces more waste heat than the demand of its entire building stock. Conservative estimates suggest that industrial waste heat could cover at least 25% of district heating generation. Moreover, there is significant heat recovery potential from unconventional waste heat sources... 2020 Euroheat & Power Conference | NEW DATE: 9-10 June 202002.04.2020 - The 2020 Euroheat & Power Conference will be postponed due to growing health concerns related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The event has been have rescheduled on Wednesday 10th of June 2020, with the pre-conference activities such as the Euroheat & Power General Assembly taking place on Tuesday 9th of June 2020... LIFE4HeatRecovery network 2: RELaTED Project16.03.2020 - RELaTED is a project coordinated by TECNALIA which involves 11 partners. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 768567. Like LIFE4HeatRecovery, RELaTED is involved in the decarbonisation process with the use of low-temperature waste heat and renewable energy to be integrated in district... LIFE4HeatRecovery's network 1: SO WHAT Project28.02.2020 - LIFE4HeatRecovery is not the only project financed by the European Union that analyses the topics of low-temperature district heating and cooling networks, renewable energy and waste heat recovery. Thanks to the Horizon2020 and LIFE Programmes many ideas and solutions are studied and applied in the field. We would like to present you the Horizon2020 Project SO WHAT, coordinated by RINA... Why recover low-temperature waste heat?14.02.2020 - Waste heat recovery is a measure that has been implemented in fourth-generation district heating and cooling (DHC) systems: the network distribute energy from a centralised generation plant to the customers. Waste heat recovered in these networks had to be collected from high temperature sources, mainly from industrial processes. Moreover, recovering such energy requires complex interventions in the process plants, limiting the.... |